advances in communications media and technologies come corresponding
needs for communication techniques that take full advantage of the
capabilities particular to those technologies. A prime example of
such an area of growth is the medium of internet communications. With
the growth of internet communications comes an increased need for
techniques whereby a single user can simultaneously communicate the
same information to a wide array of other users with vastly varying
bandwidth resources, computational capabilities, and performance requirements.
Along with a variety of other factors, this need has helped inspire
a surge in interest in multi-resolution or
progressive transmission source coding.
source codes are data compression algorithms in which simple, low-rate
source descriptions are embedded in more complex, high-rate descriptions.
Use of multi-resolution source codes allows users with severe bandwidth
constraints or low performance requirements to achieve a low quality
data representation by only incorporating a fraction of the original
coded bit stream. Users with greater capabilities or needs can achieve
more precise data representations by using larger fractions of the
same bit stream. Further, users uncertain of their precision needs
can progressively reconstruct the data to higher and higher accuracy
-- stopping the communication process when the desired accuracy is
achieved. Such coding techniques are extremely valuable in any application
where multiple source descriptions at varying levels of precision
are required.
distortion-rate bound D(R) describes the lowest expected distortion
achievable at expected rate R on a known source. Thus D(0.5)
is the lowest distortion achievable at rate 0.5 bits per symbol and
D(1.5) is the lowest distortion achievable at rate 1.5 bits
per symbol in the above graph. The distortion-rate bound does not,
however describe the optimal achievable performance for an L-resolution
code with L > 1. For example, the distortion-rate function
does not describe the lowest distortion achievable by adding 1 bit
per symbol to a code achieving point (0.5, D(0.5)) in the above
graph. Similarly, the distortion-rate function does not describe the
lowest distortion achievable by reading only the first 0.5 bits per
symbol from a code achieving point (1.5, D(1.5)) in the above
graph. Further, the distortion-rate function does not describe all
possible values of distortions D1 and D2
such that points (0.5,D1) and (1.5,D2)
are achievable by the first- and second-resolution descriptions of
a single two-resolution code. Theoretical work in the area of multi-resolution
coding has focused on finding the space of rate and distortion vectors
that can be achieved by a single multi-resolution code. The
main contribution of this work was to derive equations describing
the optimal performance theoretically achievable by fixed-rate multi-resolution
source codes and the optimal performance theoretically achievable
for variable-rate multi-resolution source codes for both stationary
ergodic sources and for stationary nonergodic sources on complete
separable metric spaces (which essentially describes all of the sources
encountered in practical applications).
vector quantization is optimal multi-resolution source coding.
In this case, the encoder blocks an incoming data stream into contiguous
blocks of dimension n and chooses for each n-block a
collection of n-dimensional reproductions. In particular, in
an L-resolution code, the encoder chooses for each data block
L reproductions of increasing resolution. The encoder describes
the chosen collection of reproductions using a fixed- or variable-rate
binary string such that the first portion of the binary string describes
the resolution-1 reproduction, the second portion of the binary string
describes the resolution-2 reproduction given the resolution-1 reproduction
already described, and so on. The decoder decodes the desired portion
of the binary string, updating its source reproduction as the binary
descriptions for higher and higher resolution reconstructions become
multi-resolution vector quantizers are asymptotically optimal source
codes -- that is they achieve performance arbitrarily close to theoretical
limit as the dimension approaches infinity -- for practicality reasons,
multi-resolution vector quantizers are typically implemented at very
low vector dimensions. Giving up optimal
encoders and decoders for ones that are merely good
(and clever!) yields much of the high-dimension advantage without
the computation, memory, and delay costs associated with high dimensional
codes. Wavelets are an especially useful technique for
achieving much of the high-dimensional advantage at very low complexity,
and are therefore extremely popular in modern multi-resolution data
compression algorithms. Ongoing work aims
to combine the results of multi-resolution source coding theory with
the techniques used in practical multi-resolution data compression
algorithms like SPIHT, EZW, and their descendants.