Students: Current and Alumni

Current Students

Pranav Joshi // B.Tech Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (2021) // Pranav is interested in computational and theoretical neuroscience, and currently works on developing stochastic models of neurons that exhibit memory-like behaviors // In his free time, Pranav plays basketball and goes rock climbing.

Siming Sun // BASc. Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto, 2019 // M.S. Electrical Engineering, Caltech, 2021 // PhD Candidate, Caltech // Currently working on multi-terminal data compression and related topics in the finite-blocklength regime

Yuxin Liu // // B.E (Research and Development) (Honours), ANU, 2017 // M.S. Electrical Engineering, Caltech, 2020 // Phd Candidate, Caltech // Research Interest: Information Theory, Wireless Communication, and Channel Coding (especially practical codes like LDPC codes).
Students Over the Years