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The Great Papers: Information Theory

How Internet Communication Works: Network Coding

Information Theory Society presents a brief history of internet communication and packet switched networks leading to the idea of network coding.

How Space-Time Codes Work (5g networks)

Information Theory Society presents a brief history of wireless communication (radio) leading to the idea of multiple-antenna wireless systems (MIMO) and space-time codes. 5G networks

Hamming & Low Density Parity Check Codes

Information Theory Society presents the key concepts needed to understand low-density parity-check codes (LDPC codes). It's a blend of repetition codes, parity check bits and hamming codes. This paper was highly influential and has over 9000 citations.

The Beauty of Lempel-Ziv Compression

Information Theory Society presents how the Lempel-Ziv lossless compression algorithm works. It was published in 1978 (LZ78) and improved by Welch in 1984 leading to the popular LZW compression. This video covers the key insight in their paper: how to construct a codebook that doesn't need to be shared with the sender. It's a subtle, yet beautiful idea which is still in use today.

Secret Sharing Explained Visually

The IEEE Information Theory Society presents an overview of Adi Shamir's 1979 paper on secret sharing. This is part of our series on the greatest papers from information theory.

How Recommender Systems work (Netflix/Amazon)

The key insights behind content and collaborative filtering (Matrix Factorization). How Amazon, Netflix, Facebook and others predict what you will like.